Tippmann A5 E-Grip vs. Response Trigger: Which is Better?

Tippmann A5 E-Grip vs. Response Trigger: Which is Better?

Paintball is an exciting and fast-paced sport, but when it comes down to the quality of your gear, it’s important to know what parts you should be investing in. When it comes to triggers, Tippmann A5 E-Grip and Response Trigger systems remain among the most popular choices for paintballers everywhere. So which one is better? This blog post will take a look at the differences between the Tippmann A5 E-Grip and Response Trigger so that you can decide which one is best for your needs.

Tippmann Pneumatics history

The history of Tippmann Pneumatics dates back to 1986 when Howard and Dennis Tippmann Sr. founded the company in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The brothers were passionate about paintball and saw a need for high-quality, durable equipment in the growing sport.

Tippmann Pneumatics quickly gained a reputation for their exceptional quality markers and became a household name in the paintball industry. The company’s first marker, the SMG60, was released in 1986 and was a major success. It featured an innovative gas-through-grip design that eliminated the need for external hoses and made it easier to handle on the field.

In 1999, Tippmann Pneumatics revolutionized the industry again with the release of the A5 marker. It incorporated a Cyclone Feed System, which could fire up to 15 balls per second without batteries. This made it one of the most efficient markers on the market and solidified Tippmann’s position as an industry leader.

Over the years, Tippmann Pneumatics has continued to innovate and expand their product line with new markers, accessories, and gear. They have also acquired other companies such as NXe and BT Paintball to provide a wider range of products for paintball enthusiasts.

In addition to their contributions to the paintball world, Tippmann Pneumatics has also been dedicated to giving back to their community. They have supported numerous charities and organizations, including the Wounded Warrior Project and the American Cancer Society.

Today, Tippmann Pneumatics remains a top choice for paintball players of all levels, from beginners to professionals. Their commitment to quality and innovation has made them a trusted brand in the industry for over 30 years. With their continued dedication to excellence, we can expect to see Tippmann Pneumatics continue to thrive and make an impact in the world of paintball for years to come. So whether you are just starting out in the sport or have been playing for decades, Tippmann Pneumatics has something for everyone to enjoy on the field [1].

Tippmann Pneumatics history

Tippmann A5 E-Grip facts

Pros and cons of Tippmann A5 E-Grip

The Tippmann A5 E-Grip is a popular paintball marker among players due to its versatility and advanced features. In this section, we will discuss the pros and cons of the Tippmann A5 E-Grip to help you make an informed decision before purchasing it.


  1. Electronic trigger: The E-Grip version of the Tippmann A5 comes with an electronic trigger, allowing for faster firing and greater accuracy compared to the mechanical trigger. This makes it ideal for players who prefer a more tactical and precise style of gameplay.
  2. Multiple fire modes: The E-Grip offers three different fire modes – semi-automatic, burst, and full-auto. This allows you to switch between modes depending on the situation and your playstyle, giving you an edge over opponents who may have limited fire modes.
  3. Customizable settings: The E-Grip allows for customizable settings such as trigger sensitivity and firing rate, allowing you to fine-tune the marker to your liking.
  4. Durable construction: Tippmann is known for its durable and reliable markers, and the A5 E-Grip is no exception. Its sturdy construction can withstand rough handling and harsh playing conditions, making it a long-lasting investment.
  5. Easy maintenance: The Tippmann A5 E-Grip is designed for easy maintenance, with most parts being easily accessible and replaceable. This means you can quickly fix any issues that may arise on the field without interrupting your gameplay.


  1. Higher price point: The E-Grip version of the Tippmann A5 is more expensive than its mechanical counterpart, making it less accessible to players on a budget.
  2. Requires batteries: As an electronic marker, the Tippmann A5 E-Grip requires batteries to function, which can be inconvenient if you forget to bring spares or run out of power during a game.
  3. Learning curve: Players who are used to mechanical markers may need some time to adjust to the electronic trigger and firing modes of the E-Grip, leading to a learning curve.
  4. Limited customization options: While the E-Grip offers customizable settings, it may not have as many customization options compared to other high-end electronic markers.


How to use Tippmann A5 E-Grip?

Using the Tippmann A5 E-Grip is relatively straightforward, but it does require some initial setup and familiarization. Here are the steps to follow when using the Tippmann A5 E-Grip:

  1. Install batteries: The first step is to install batteries in your marker’s grip frame. The type of battery required will depend on the specific model of the E-Grip, so make sure to check the instructions manual.
  2. Turn on the marker: Once the batteries are installed, turn on your E-Grip by flipping the power switch located on the side of the grip frame.
  3. Select fire mode: Use the selector switch to choose between semi-automatic, burst, or full-auto mode.
  4. Adjust settings (optional): If desired, you can adjust the trigger sensitivity and firing rate by using the programming button located on the grip frame.
  5. Load paintballs: Open the hopper and load it with paintballs. Make sure to close the lid securely to prevent any spillage.
  6. Cock the marker: Pull back on the cocking handle or slide release lever until you hear a click, indicating that the marker is cocked and ready to fire.
  7. Aim and shoot: Take aim at your target and pull the trigger to start firing.
  8. Turn off the marker: After you finish playing, make sure to turn off the E-Grip by flipping the power switch to the off position.
  9. Remove batteries (optional): If you won’t be using the marker for an extended period, it’s recommended to remove the batteries to prevent them from draining and potentially damaging the marker [2].

Tippmann Response Trigger

Pros and cons of Tippmann Response Trigger

The Tippmann Response Trigger is a popular aftermarket upgrade for paintball guns, designed to increase the rate of fire and improve trigger response. While it can be an exciting addition for players looking to enhance their performance on the field, there are also some drawbacks to consider before making the investment. There are pros of usinf a Tippman response trigger:

  • Increased Rate of Fire: One of the main advantages of a Tippmann Response Trigger is its ability to increase the rate of fire. This can be especially beneficial in fast-paced gameplay scenarios where quick and accurate shooting is crucial.
  • Improved Trigger Response: The response trigger also provides a more sensitive trigger pull, allowing for quicker and smoother shots. This can give players an edge in gunfights and help them react faster to changing situations on the field.
  • Easy Installation: The Tippmann Response Trigger is designed to be easy to install, with most models able to be installed without any modifications or special tools. This makes it a popular choice for players who want an upgrade that they can quickly and easily add to their paintball gun.

Pros and cons

However, there are also some cons of using a Tippmann Response Trigger to consider:

  • Increased Cost: The main drawback of the response trigger is its cost. As an aftermarket upgrade, it can be quite expensive and may not be feasible for players on a tight budget.
  • Potential Legal Issues: Some fields have rules against enhanced triggers, especially in tournament play. Players should always check with their local field or event organizers before using a response trigger to avoid any potential issues.
  • Learning Curve: The Tippmann Response Trigger may take some time for players to adjust to, as the increased sensitivity and rate of fire can require some practice and getting used to. This could potentially affect their performance on the field until they become accustomed to it.

How to use the Tippmann Response Trigger?

Using a Tippmann Response Trigger may require some adjustments to your gameplay style. Here are some tips on how to effectively use this upgrade:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the trigger: Before heading out onto the field, take some time to get used to the increased sensitivity of the response trigger. Practice pulling the trigger and getting a feel for its responsiveness.
  2. Adjust your grip: With a more sensitive trigger, it’s important to maintain a firm and consistent grip on the gun. This will help prevent accidental shots and improve accuracy.
  3. Practice timing: The response trigger relies on a specific timing between trigger pulls to achieve burst-fire mode. Take some time to practice this timing and get comfortable with it.
  4. Use in short bursts: While the response trigger can provide a high rate of fire, it’s important to not overdo it. Using short bursts rather than continuous firing will help conserve your paintballs and improve accuracy [3].

How to maintain Paintball guns?

Paintball guns are a crucial component of the paintball equipment. They allow players to shoot paintballs and engage in the game. As with any piece of equipment, it is essential to properly maintain your paintball gun to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. Below are some tips on how to maintain your paintball gun:

Regular Cleaning

It is vital to clean your paintball gun regularly to prevent any build-up of dirt, debris or paint. After each game, make sure to wipe down the exterior of your gun with a damp cloth. Use a squeegee to remove any excess paint from the barrel and clean the hopper thoroughly.

To deep clean your gun, disassemble it following the manufacturer’s instructions and use a mild detergent to clean all the components. Make sure to dry everything thoroughly before reassembling the gun.

Regular Cleaning


Proper lubrication is essential for the smooth functioning of your paintball gun. Use a high-quality oil or grease specifically designed for paintball guns and apply it to all moving parts according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be careful not to use too much, as excess lubrication can attract dirt and cause malfunctions.


Storing your paintball gun correctly is crucial for its maintenance. Make sure to store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. If possible, keep it in a padded case to prevent any damage during transport or storage.

Regular Inspection

Regularly inspect your paintball gun for any signs of wear and tear. Check for cracks or dents in the body, loose screws or any other potential issues. If you notice any problems, address them immediately to prevent further damage.

Proper Usage

Lastly, proper usage is essential for maintaining your paintball gun. Avoid dry firing (firing without paintballs) as it can cause damage to internal components. Also, make sure to use the correct size and type of paintballs recommended by the manufacturer.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your paintball gun remains in excellent condition for a long time, providing you with many enjoyable games. Remember to always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for proper maintenance techniques specific to your gun model. With proper care and maintenance, your paintball gun will continue to perform at its best, allowing you to dominate the field with precision and accuracy [4].

Proper Usage


Which is better: a response trigger or a grip for Tippmann?

As with many equipment-related questions, the answer depends on your personal preferences and playing style. Both response triggers and grips can improve the performance of your Tippmann marker, but they have different effects.

A response trigger is a mechanical device that increases the rate of fire by resetting the trigger quickly after each shot. This allows you to shoot faster without having to manually pull the trigger each time. However, response triggers can also be harder to control and may lead to increased paintball consumption.

A grip, on the other hand, is a physical attachment that enhances your grip on the Tippmann marker. This can improve accuracy and reduce recoil, allowing for more controlled shots. Grips also often have additional features such as adjustable settings and ergonomic designs.

Which is better: a response trigger or a grip for Tippmann?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some players may prefer the increased rate of fire provided by a response trigger, while others may value the improved accuracy and control of a grip.

It’s also worth considering that adding both a response trigger and a grip to your Tippmann marker can result in even better performance. However, it’s important to keep in mind that any modifications made to your marker could potentially void its warranty.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which is better for you is to try out both options and see which one feels more comfortable and effective. You may even find that a combination of both a response trigger and grip works best for your playing style. Just be sure to carefully research and consider any modifications before making them to your Tippmann marker.

What is the fire rate of the Tippmann A5 response trigger?

The Tippmann A5 response trigger is designed to significantly increase the rate of fire of the marker. However, the exact fire rate can vary depending on various factors such as your playing style, maintenance of the marker, and type of paintballs used.

With proper care and use, some players have reported achieving a maximum fire rate of up to 15-20 balls per second with the Tippmann A5 response trigger. However, it’s important to note that constantly firing at this rate can lead to increased paintball consumption and potential issues with your marker.

Ultimately, it’s important to find a balance between achieving a high fire rate and maintaining control and accuracy in your shots. Practice and experimentation can help you find the optimal setting for your Tippmann A5 response trigger.

How do I properly maintain my Tippmann marker?

Proper maintenance is crucial for keeping your Tippmann marker in top condition and ensuring it performs at its best on the field. Here are some general tips for maintaining your Tippmann marker:

  • Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance and cleaning.
  • After every use, thoroughly clean your marker with a soft cloth and mild soap to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Periodically check and replace o-rings, which can wear out over time and affect the performance of your marker.
  • Lubricate moving parts with a quality paintball oil to prevent friction and maintain smooth operation.
  • Store your Tippmann marker in a dry, cool place to prevent rust or corrosion.

By regularly cleaning and maintaining your Tippmann marker, you can prolong its lifespan and ensure it continues to perform well on the field. Additionally, if you notice any issues or malfunctions with your marker, be sure to address them promptly before they worsen.

How fast can a Tippmann A5 shoot?

The Tippmann A5 is capable of shooting at a maximum rate of 15-20 balls per second with a response trigger. However, as mentioned before, constantly firing at this rate can lead to increased paintball consumption and potential issues with the marker.

It’s important to note that certain modifications or upgrades could potentially increase the fire rate of the Tippmann A5, but these should always be done with caution and in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines.

Ultimately, the speed at which a Tippmann A5 shoots can vary depending on various factors such as the type of paintballs used, maintenance of the marker, and playing style. It’s important to find a balance between achieving a high fire rate and maintaining control and accuracy in your shots.

Useful Video: tippmann 98 egrip VS a5 response trigger

Conclusion Paragraph

So, comparing Tippmann A5 E-Grip and Tippmann response trigger it can be concluded that both of these markers have their own unique features and advantages. Tippmann A5 E-Grip offers a customizable electronic trigger system which allows for different firing modes and an easier shooting experience. On the other hand, the Tippmann response trigger provides a more realistic feel with its mechanical response system and does not require any batteries. However, when it comes to overall performance and durability, both markers are highly reliable and popular choices among paintball players.


  1. https://paintball.fandom.com/wiki/Tippmann
  2. https://www.tippmannparts.com/Tippmann-E-Grip-H-E-A5-p/3794.htm
  3. https://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/paintguns/tippmann/a5etrigger/index.shtml
  4. https://www.paintballusa.org/blog/paintball-gun-care-maintenance