Can You Freeze Paintballs?

Can You Freeze Paintballs?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you froze paintballs? Would they become too brittle to shoot, or would they retain their original shape and properties so that you could use them in a paintball game? These are all important questions to consider when it comes to using frozen paintballs, and this guide will provide all you need to know about the process of freezing, storing and using paintballs. From learning how temperature affects their color and texture, to find out safety tips for using them in games, this guide will break down everything related to freezing paintballs. So get your questions ready and dive into this comprehensive guide on Can You Freeze Paintballs!

What Happens to a Paintball When It’s Frozen?

When a paintball is frozen, the liquid inside of it expands, causing it to burst. This means that when you shoot a frozen paintball out of your marker, the ball won’t make it very far and most likely will break apart in mid-air or on impact. Therefore, freezing paintballs isn’t recommended if you want to use them in a game.

However, freezing paintballs can still be useful in other ways. For example, you can freeze paintballs and use them as “ice bullets” for target practice or to play fun games with your friends. They won’t fly very far and the impact won’t be too severe, so it’s a great way to have some safe fun. Just make sure everyone is wearing safety gear and keep an eye on the frozen balls as they may break apart easily on impact!


It is important to note that paintballs become brittle when frozen. When paintballs are exposed to cold temperatures, the gelatin shell starts to become brittle, making it much more likely to break on impact. This can lead to a waxy texture on the inside of the ball and can even cause them not to shoot as accurately. The most common result of shooting brittle paintballs is that they split upon striking any surface with great force.

The best way to avoid this issue is by storing your paintballs at room temperature or slightly higher before you use them in a game. If you plan ahead and store your paintballs in an insulated container, they should stay warm enough that they don’t get too cold during transport and will remain in a usable condition.

It is also important to note that, even if you do store your paintballs at room temperature, they can become brittle over time. This is due to the age of the balls and their exposure to air; paintballs become harder and more brittle as they get older. So, even though it’s okay to freeze paintballs for short periods of time, you should make sure to use them relatively quickly or else they may become unusable.



The main thing to be aware of when considering freezing paintballs is the change they undergo in shape, size, and texture. A frozen paintball will become harder than normal and its diameter may decrease slightly due to the contraction caused by the cold. This can affect how accurately you shoot since a smaller ball won’t fly as far or as fast. Additionally, the paintball may crack or break if it’s frozen for too long because ice expands as it freezes. So even if you can freeze them successfully, you should use them quickly after thawing so that they aren’t damaged by prolonged subzero temperatures.

In addition to becoming smaller and potentially brittle, some types of paintballs may also change color and become less glossy after freezing. This shouldn’t affect their performance, but it may be disheartening if you’re using colorful or special edition paintballs.


If you are a serious paintball enthusiast, having the convenience of frozen paintballs can be extremely beneficial. Not only do they last longer than regular paintballs, but they also provide consistent accuracy and velocity when fired. This is especially helpful if you plan to take part in tournaments or competitive play as this ensures that your shots will hit their target every time. Furthermore, since these balls are pre-frozen, you don’t have to worry about storing them in a freezer at home or transporting them around with you to your games. All you need to do is grab the bag from its storage container and get ready for battle!


When it comes to freezing paintballs, consistency is key. If you freeze your paintballs the same way each time, they will remain consistent in terms of size and shape. This will ensure that when you launch them out of your gun they’ll be as accurate as possible. To do this, make sure to use a specific temperature every time you freeze them and store them in a sealed container so that no moisture can get into the balls. Additionally, make sure to keep the balls at an even temperature throughout their entire storage period so that they don’t expand or contract due to rapid changes in temperature. Following these steps will help ensure that the paintballs maintain their shape and accuracy even after being frozen and stored for extended periods of time.


Does a Frozen Paintball Damage a Marker?

When it comes to freezing paintballs, the general consensus is that doing so can potentially damage your marker. Although the exact degree of damage will vary depending on what type of gun you have and how cold you get the paintballs, frozen ones may cause more wear and tear on certain parts of your marker. This includes the bolt, barrel, and even the tank regulator if it’s too cold.

One way to minimize potential damage is to use a chronograph or other device when shooting frozen paintballs. By doing this, you can ensure that each shot is fired at a safe pressure level so no extra strain is put on your marker. You should also make sure that your gun has a good lubricant or oil and that you clean it regularly to avoid any potential problems.

Finally, make sure to inspect your marker before each session and check for any signs of damage after using frozen paintballs. If you’re using a rental gun, it’s especially important to do this as these guns may not be in the best condition. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your marker stays in the best shape possible even when shooting frozen paintballs.

Hopefully this information has given you a better idea of whether or not freezing paintballs is safe for your marker. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced technician who can provide more detailed advice.

Playing with Frozen Paintballs

Frozen paintballs can be just as fun as regular ones – but with a few modifications. For starters, they will typically break open much more easily, so it’s important to wear all the necessary protective gear if you plan on playing with them. You may also want to make sure that your gun is able to handle the sudden impact of a frozen paintball, otherwise, it could cause damage or malfunction.

In terms of gameplay, there are some interesting pros and cons when using frozen paintballs. On the one hand, they tend to fly further than their unfrozen counterparts due to an increase in air resistance and reduced drag. However, this also means that accuracy is reduced and shots tend to miss their target more often than not. Additionally, frozen paintballs will have a much harder impact, making it more likely that they’ll break open on contact and leave bigger splats of paint.

All in all, playing with frozen paintballs is an interesting way to switch up your regular game. Just be sure to take the necessary precautions for safety and wear extra gear if you’re going to be playing with them!

Playing with Frozen Paintballs

Can You Use a Frozen Paintball on the Field?

The short answer is no. Paintballs are designed to be used at or near room temperature, so they will break on impact when frozen. Freezing paintballs can also make them brittle and prone to breaking inside the barrel of your gun, which can cause accuracy issues and even damage your gun itself. For this reason, it’s best to avoid using frozen paintballs altogether.

If you do find yourself in a situation where freezing temperatures are unavoidable and you need to use your paintball equipment, there are some steps you can take to protect it from the cold. Warming up the paintballs by placing them in a pocket close to your body is one way to help keep them warm enough for playing without risking damage from freezing. Additionally, you can also look for a heated vest or other clothing items that will keep your paintballs at an adequate temperature. [1]

It’s always important to make sure your equipment is suitable for the climate conditions you’ll be playing in so that you have a fun and safe experience! When in doubt, warm up those paintballs before heading out on the field.

How to Choose the Right Paintball Caliber

Paintball is a great way to have fun with family and friends, but it’s important to make sure that you choose the correct caliber for your games.

Paintball Caliber Options

Suitability of .68 Caliber Paintballs

The .68 caliber paintball is the most popular size for recreational players, as it offers a balance between accuracy and distance. The .68 caliber is slightly smaller than the other types of paintball, allowing it to be fired at higher speeds and to fly further. This makes it ideal for speed-oriented games such as Capture the Flag or Elimination, where accuracy isn’t as important.

Suitability of .50 Caliber Paintballs

The .50 caliber paintball is larger than the .68 caliber option and is generally more accurate due to its heavier weight and slower velocity. It’s often used in precision games where accuracy and long range shots are necessary. These could include scenarios like defending a bunker or sniping enemy players. [2]


When frozen, the shelf life of the paintballs can be extended up to a year or more, allowing you to make use of them without having to buy new ones every month or two. This means that you won’t have to invest in buying large batches of paintballs regularly, saving you money in the long run. Moreover, if your paintball gun has been outfitted with an air tank instead of CO2 cartridges, you’re able to freeze your paintballs and use it as many times as possible while they are still fresh and haven’t degraded due to being exposed to external elements such as temperature changes and moisture.


Additionally, if you are a competitor in tournament-level paintball events, freezing your paintballs can help keep them consistent and accurate throughout the tournament. This is especially important for players who rely on their accuracy to be successful, as frozen paintballs will not expand or lose their shape when exposed to moisture or other elements.

Finally, frozen paintballs can also be used for practice purposes. If you want to improve your aim and get better at shooting targets, you can freeze a batch of them and use them for target shooting training. You won’t have to worry about running out of ammunition since the same load can be reused multiple times!

Overall, freezing your paintballs is an ideal way to save money and make sure that you always have a reliable supply of ammunition. Not only will it make sure that your paintballs are accurate and consistent, but it also helps extend their shelf life and allows for multiple uses. If you’re serious about the sport of paintball, freezing your ammo is definitely something to consider!

How to Store Paintballs

Storing paintballs is an essential part of taking care of your equipment. Paintballs should always be stored at a temperature in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources. If you are storing the paintballs for long periods of time, it is best to store them in a sealed container such as a plastic container or zip-seal bag. This will help keep moisture out and ensure that your paintballs remain safe and usable when you need them.

Storage Environment

It’s important to store paintballs in a cool, dry place. Not only can humidity affect the shelf life of these delicate items, but it also affects their performance when used in play. Do not store paintballs at temperatures above 80°F (27°C). As a general rule of thumb, you should never freeze paintballs as this will cause them to become brittle and unusable. Additionally, make sure that any containers used for storage are airtight so that moisture doesn’t seep in and ruin your precious cargo! Lastly, keep your paintball guns away from any sources of direct heat or sunlight. The combination of high temperature and humidity could potentially cause the ammo to degrade prematurely.


Before asking if you can freeze paintballs, it’s important to understand a bit about how paintballs age. Over time, even the best quality paintballs will start to lose their integrity and become brittle. This is due to a number of factors such as exposure to air or heat, humidity, and other environmental conditions. As paintballs age, they become less effective in flight and accuracy; this could lead to inconsistencies in your shooting performance during games.

By freezing your paintballs before using them in games, you can preserve their integrity for longer periods of time by slowing down the aging process. This ensures that you’re always playing with fresh balls that are going to give consistent results each time they leave the barrel of your gun. While freezing paintballs might seem like a good idea, it’s important to understand the effects of doing so before making any decisions.


Does Being Hit by Frozen Paintballs Hurt?

The answer to this question depends on the type of paintball being used. If you are using cold-temperature paintballs, then hitting someone with a frozen one isn’t likely to be overly painful. However, if you’re using regular paintballs that weren’t meant to be frozen and they get hit by a frozen one, it could definitely hurt! Generally speaking, the impact of the ball is more important than its temperature when it comes to pain levels. So while freezing a paintball won’t necessarily make it any harder or more painful, shooting it at close range might.

It should also be noted that playing with frozen or excessively cold paintballs can result in broken equipment and damaged paintballs. This can be dangerous and should always be avoided.

Is it Still Advisable to Use Frozen Paintballs?

Yes, you can still use frozen paintballs. However, it’s important to remember that frozen paintballs are more fragile and need to be handled with extra care. When storing them in the freezer, make sure they are well sealed or wrapped in a plastic bag to keep moisture out. Additionally, when loading them into your marker (gun), use extreme caution as there is a risk of smashing or breaking them if not done correctly. Frozen paintballs will also usually fly shorter distances than normal ones due to their decreased elasticity and lighter weight.

It is worth noting that using frozen paintballs may not be allowed in all types of competitions as most tournaments have specific rules about what types of ammunition can be used. Therefore, check the rules of the tournament you are taking part in to make sure frozen paintballs are allowed. [3]

If you decide to use frozen paintballs, it is recommended that you thaw them at least an hour before playing to prevent them from breaking. It’s also important to note that since your frozen paintballs won’t be as spherical as regular ones, they may not be suitable for all types of guns or markers and could affect the accuracy of your shots. As such, it’s best to test out different temperatures before using them in a competition or game.


At what temperature do paintballs freeze?

Paintballs freeze at a temperature under 70°F. Below this temperature, the paintball will become too hard and brittle to use properly. Be sure to avoid freezing temperatures when storing your paintballs and if you do find yourself in a cold environment, make sure to keep your paintballs warm.

Can frozen paintballs break glass?

Frozen paintballs have the potential to shatter a home window. The exterior of the paintball is brittle and hard when frozen, making it more likely to a window when fired at close range. If you are shooting paintballs in any area where glass windows or other fragile objects may be present, always take extra precautions and use protective eyewear to avoid potential injury. [4]

Can frozen paintballs break glass?

How do you preserve paintballs?

Paintballs are a great way to have fun outdoors, especially during hot summer days. But if you plan on stocking up on paintballs for an upcoming game, you’ll want to make sure they will stay in good condition until then. The question is, can you freeze paintballs?

The short answer is yes, but it’s not always recommended. Freezing your paintballs can help preserve them and keep them fresh but there are some things to consider before doing so. To begin with, most manufacturers advise against freezing their paintballs as the extreme cold temperatures may cause them to swell or even burst when thawed. It’s also important to make sure that the container used for storing your frozen paintballs is airtight, as moisture can cause them to expand or become brittle.

If you do decide to freeze your paintballs, it’s best to use a vacuum-sealed bag or container. This will help keep out any humidity and ensure that your paintballs are well-protected from the cold temperatures. You should also make sure that you thaw the paintballs completely before using them in a game — even just a few minutes in extreme cold can damage them beyond repair!

No matter what method of preservation you choose, there are certain precautions that must be taken when storing your paintballs for long periods of time. The best way to keep your paintball ammunition fresh and ready to go is by storing it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. This will help ensure that your paintballs are always in great condition for your next game!

How long can you store paintballs?

You can store paintballs in their original packaging for up to 12 months. As long as the bag is fully sealed and stored at room temperature, it should be safe from contamination or damage. Once opened, paintballs should be used within 3 months of opening. [5]

It’s important to avoid extreme temperatures when storing paintballs. If you happen to leave a bag in a hot car during summer, the heat will cause them to break down over time and become unplayable. On the other hand, storing your paintballs in the cold can have an impact on their performance as well – freezing temperatures could change the shape and size of the shell or even make them brittle once thawed out.

If you want to ensure your paintballs stay in tip-top condition, you should always store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This is the best way to ensure their maximum shelf life.

Lastly, if you’re planning on storing paintballs for long periods of time, it’s important to check the bag regularly for any signs of damage or deterioration. If you notice any changes or discoloration, it’s best to discard the bag and buy fresh supplies for your next game!

Useful Video: Shooting Frozen Paintballs at Stuff!


In conclusion, you can freeze paintballs if necessary; however, this is not recommended due to the potential damage that the freezing process could cause. If your paintballs are going to be stored for an extended period of time, it’s best to keep them in a cool place at temperatures between 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, make sure to store them away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat or humidity as these can also damage the integrity of the paintballs. Finally, always inspect your paintballs before use and discard any that display signs of damage or defect. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your paintball-playing experience remains safe and enjoyable!

