Common Paintball Bunker Names

Common Paintball Bunker Names

Step onto the battlefield of paintball warfare and you’ll be met with a symphony of excitement and adrenaline. Amidst the chaos, the landscape is dotted with a myriad of structures strategically placed to provide cover and protection. These physical bastions of defense, commonly known as paintball bunkers, don’t just serve a functional purpose, but also possess unique names that add to their mystique. This blog post will unveil the fascinating world of common paintball bunker names, uncovering the origins and stories behind these tactical havens. So gear up, grab your marker, and embark on a journey where “Dorito,” “Snake,” and “Cake” are more than just words, but gateways to strategic triumph.

Safety gear for paintball players

Wearing the right safety gear is crucial for paintball players to protect themselves from potential injuries. Paintball involves shooting small balls of paint at high speeds, which can cause severe harm if they hit unprotected body parts. In this section, we will discuss some essential safety gear that every paintball player should have.

Protective Mask or Goggles

A protective mask or goggles is the most important piece of safety gear for paintball players. It covers the eyes, nose, and mouth, protecting them from direct hits. Paintballs can travel up to 300 feet per second, which can cause severe damage if they hit the unprotected face. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in a high-quality mask or goggles approved for paintball use.


In addition to a protective mask or goggles, wearing a helmet is also recommended for paintball players. It provides extra protection for the head and can reduce the impact of direct hits. Helmets designed specifically for paintball have a visor to protect the face and a padded interior for added comfort.


Protective Clothing

Paintballs can leave bruises or welts on unprotected skin, so it is essential to wear protective clothing while playing. Long-sleeved shirts, pants, and gloves made of thick material like denim or canvas can provide a barrier against paintball impacts. It is also recommended to wear layers in case the outer layer gets hit and needs to be removed for the game to continue.

Knee and Elbow Pads

Falling or sliding on rough terrain is common in paintball, which can result in scrapes and bruises. Wearing knee and elbow pads can help protect these vulnerable areas of the body. They also provide extra cushioning for players when crawling or kneeling during the game.

Proper Footwear

Paintball fields can have varying terrain, from grass to gravel to mud. It is crucial to wear appropriate footwear that provides good traction and ankle support. Paintball cleats or hiking boots are recommended, as they offer stability and protection against slipping or twisting an ankle.

Neck Protector

A neck protector is a piece of safety gear that many players overlook, but it can be helpful in preventing painful hits to the neck. It can be worn under the protective mask or as a separate piece of gear. Some neck protectors also cover the chest and shoulders, providing added protection.

Overall Fit

While all the mentioned safety gear is essential for paintball players, it is equally important to ensure they fit properly. Ill-fitting gear can be uncomfortable and may not provide adequate protection. It is recommended to try on different sizes and brands to find the perfect fit and make any necessary adjustments before playing.

In conclusion, wearing proper safety gear is crucial for paintball players to have a fun and safe experience. Investing in high-quality equipment that fits well can go a long way in preventing injuries and allowing players to fully enjoy the game. Remember, safety should always be the top priority when it comes to paintball [1].

Overall Fit

Why Paintball Bunkers?

Paintball bunkers are also known as safety bunkers that are used in the game of paintball. These structures provide cover for players during a game and come in various shapes, sizes and materials such as inflatable, wood or plastic.There are several reasons why paintball bunkers are essential for any paintball game:

  • Safety: Paintball is an exciting and adrenaline-fueled sport, but it can also be dangerous without proper safety measures. Bunkers provide players with cover and protection from paintball markers, preventing any serious injuries.
  • Strategy: Paintball bunkers are strategically placed on the field to create obstacles for players and make the game more exciting and challenging. They force players to strategize their movements and shots, adding an extra level of strategy to the game.
  • Variety: With different types of bunkers available, players can constantly switch up their game and have a variety of gameplay options. This keeps the game interesting and prevents it from becoming monotonous.
  • Realistic Battle Experience: Paintball bunkers mimic the structures and obstacles found in real-life battlefields, providing players with a realistic experience. This adds to the immersive nature of the game and makes it more exciting for players.
  • Flexibility: Paintball bunkers can be easily set up and moved around, making them a versatile addition to any paintball field. This allows players to change the layout of the field for different games or events, providing endless possibilities for gameplay.
  • Teamwork: Bunkers require teamwork between players as they strategize and communicate with each other to navigate the field and eliminate opponents. This promotes teamwork and communication skills, making paintball not just a physical but also a mental sport.
  • Inclusivity: Paintball bunkers make the game more inclusive by providing cover for players of different sizes, genders, and skill levels. Everyone can participate and have an equal chance of winning regardless of their physical abilities.

Overall, paintball bunkers are an essential component of the game that enhances safety, strategy, variety, realism, flexibility, teamwork and inclusivity. They not only make the game more enjoyable but also promote important values and skills. So next time you’re at a paintball field, don’t forget to appreciate and utilize these crucial structures.

Main types of Paintball Bunkers

Dorito Bunkers

Dorito bunkers are triangular prism-shaped structures that resemble the popular snack chip. These bunkers are designed to be used in pairs or groups, creating a “Dorito” pattern on the field. They provide great protection and strategic positioning for players.

Some common techniques for using Dorito bunkers include “snap shooting” – quickly popping out from behind the bunker to shoot at opponents, and “controlling a lane” – staying hidden behind the bunker while shooting down a specific path on the field.

These bunkers are also popular for their ability to create angles, making it easier for players to shoot at targets from different positions.

Dorito Bunkers

Tall Cans

Tall cans are tall cylindrical structures that provide good protection and can be used for both offense and defense. They are often placed in the center or back of the field, providing cover for players as they move towards their objectives.

Tall cans are also popular for “over-the-top” shooting – quickly popping up to shoot over the top of the bunker at opponents. This technique is particularly useful when trying to surprise opponents or take them by surprise.


Wedge bunkers are triangular-shaped structures that provide good protection and can be used for both offense and defense. They are often placed in the center or back of the field, similar to tall cans. These bunkers are popular for their versatility, as they can be used to create multiple shooting lanes and angles on the field. Players can also use wedges strategically to block their opponents’ view and movement.

A-Frame Bunkers

A-frame bunkers are shaped like the letter “A” and provide good protection for players. They can be used individually or in pairs, creating a “V” pattern on the field. These bunkers are popular for their stability and ability to withstand multiple hits without tipping over. They are often used for defense, providing cover for players as they protect their objectives.

Cake Bunkers

Cake bunkers are large rectangular structures that resemble a slice of cake. They provide excellent protection and can be used in various ways on the field. Often placed in the center or back of the field, they can be used to create long shooting lanes and angles for players to take advantage of. They can also be used as a central structure for teams to rally around and defend their position.

Snake Bunkers

Snake bunkers are long, narrow structures that resemble a snake. They are often placed close to the ground and provide low cover for players as they move across the field. These bunkers are popular for their ability to hide players while they crawl or slide towards their objectives. They can also be used for surprise attacks, as players can quickly pop out from behind the bunker to shoot at their opponents.

Temple Bunkers

Temple bunkers are large, tall structures that resemble ancient temples or ruins. They provide excellent protection and can be used as a central structure for teams to defend their position. These bunkers are also popular for creating multiple shooting lanes and angles on the field, making it easier for players to shoot at their opponents from different positions.

Temple Bunkers

Dollhouse Bunkers

Dollhouse bunkers are small, square-shaped structures that provide minimal protection. They are often used for speedball courses, where players can quickly move from one bunker to another while staying somewhat hidden. These bunkers require quick reflexes and agility as players must constantly be on the move to avoid being hit by opponents’ paintballs.

Carwash Bunkers

Carwash bunkers are long, narrow structures with a concave shape resembling a carwash. They provide good protection and can be used for both offense and defense. These bunkers are popular for their ability to hide players while they move across the field, making it easier to surprise opponents or reach objectives undetected.


X-bunkers are shaped like the letter “X” and provide excellent protection for players. They can be used individually or in pairs, creating a cross pattern on the field. These bunkers are popular for their stability and versatility, as they can be used to create multiple shooting lanes and angles on the field. X-bunkers are often placed strategically to protect key areas on the field and provide cover for players as they make their moves.

What are inflatable bunkers?

Inflatable bunkers are temporary structures that are used to protect individuals or property from external dangers. They are typically made of durable and flexible materials such as PVC, nylon, or vinyl which can be inflated with air to create a sturdy structure.

Why use inflatable bunkers?

There are many reasons why someone would choose to use an inflatable bunker. Some common purposes include:

  • Emergency shelter: Inflatable bunkers can provide quick and easy temporary shelter during natural disasters or other emergency situations.
  • Military use: Inflatable bunkers are often used by military forces as portable command centers, medical stations, or sleeping quarters in the field.
  • Sports and recreational activities: Inflatable bunkers are commonly used in extreme sports such as paintball or airsoft, where they act as barriers and obstacles for players.
  • Event management: Inflatable bunkers are often used in events and festivals as a way to create designated areas for activities or to provide shelter for attendees.
  • Construction sites: Inflatable bunkers can be used on construction sites to protect workers from falling debris or hazardous materials.
  • Film and television production: Inflatable bunkers are also used in the film and television industry as props or sets for scenes that require a temporary structure.

How do inflatable bunkers work?

Inflatable bunkers work by using air pressure to create a sturdy and durable structure. They are typically inflated using an electric pump or air compressor, and can be set up in just a few minutes. Once inflated, the bunkers can withstand strong winds and other external forces.

Types of inflatable bunkers

There are various types of inflatable bunkers available, each with their own unique features and purposes. Some common types include:

  • Inflatable tents: These are large, dome-shaped structures that can accommodate multiple people and provide shelter from weather elements. They are often used for camping, events, or as emergency shelters.
  • Inflatable walls: These are smaller inflatable structures that are commonly used in sports and recreational activities such as paintball or airsoft. They act as barriers and obstacles for players to hide behind.
  • Inflatable bags: These are large, heavy-duty inflatable structures that can be filled with water or sand to act as flood barriers or protective barriers against explosions.
  • Inflatable buildings: These are larger and more permanent inflatable structures that can be used as offices, warehouses, or even homes. They are often made with stronger and more durable materials [2].

Types of inflatable bunkers

How to use a Paintball Bunker effectively?

Paintball bunkers are essential elements in the game of paintball. They serve as cover for players and can greatly impact the outcome of a game. However, simply hiding behind a bunker is not enough to be effective. In this guide, we will discuss how to use a paintball bunker effectively.

Before you dive into using bunkers, it is important to choose the right one for your playing style. Bunkers come in different shapes and sizes, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Tall bunkers offer more coverage and are great for providing protection against opponents shooting from a distance.
  • Low bunkers provide less cover but allow for quicker movements and can be used to surprise opponents.
  • Wide bunkers are perfect for providing cover for multiple players at once.

Once you have selected your bunker, here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

  1. Use angles: Bunkers can be used to create angles and provide a better view of the field. This allows you to see and shoot at opponents while minimizing your exposure.
  2. Move smartly: When moving between bunkers, make sure to use the shortest and safest route. Avoid running in a straight line as this makes you an easy target.
  3. Communicate with your team: Bunkers are not just for personal use, they can also be used to create strategic positions for your team. Coordinate with your teammates and utilize bunkers together to gain an advantage over opponents.
  4. Don’t stay in one spot for too long: Constantly changing positions and bunkers will keep opponents guessing and make it harder for them to hit you.
  5. Utilize cover correctly: Bunkers are meant to provide protection, so use them wisely. Crouch or take a knee behind the bunker to minimize your profile and make it harder for opponents to hit you.
  6. Be aware of your surroundings: While using a bunker, it is important to keep an eye on what’s happening around you. This will help you anticipate opponent movements and react accordingly.
  7. Use distractions: Bunkers can be used as distractions to draw opponents’ attention away from your teammates or to create opportunities for strategic moves.

By following these tips, you can use a paintball bunker effectively and become a more valuable player in the game. Remember to also practice using different types of bunkers and develop your own strategies for maximum efficiency.


What are the best bunkers for paintball?

There are various bunkers available for paintball, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. Consider the best bunkers:

  • Inflatable Bunkers: Lightweight and easy to set up, they are popular for both professional and casual players. They come in different shapes and sizes, allowing for interesting field layouts.
  • Barrels: Solid and sturdy, they provide reliable cover during intense battles. Available in various sizes to suit different play styles.
  • Pallets: Solid structures used to create walls or buildings on the field, offering good cover.
  • Spools: Round, barrel-shaped bunkers that add height to the field. Can be used individually or stacked for more elevation.
  • Cylinders: Similar to spools, they add height and can be positioned to create challenging angles.
  • Tires: Versatile option that can be stacked, rolled, or hung to create different types of cover on the field.

Mix and match bunkers to keep the paintball field interesting and challenging. Get creative and experiment with different bunker combinations!

What is bunkering in paintball?

Bunkering in paintball refers to a tactic where a player quickly and aggressively moves towards their opponent’s position and shoots them at close range. This move is often used in speedball or tournament-style play, where players have faster and more accurate shots. Bunkering can be risky but can also give a team an advantage by eliminating key players on the other team. It requires quick reflexes, good communication with teammates, and precise shooting skills. However, bunkering is not allowed in all types of paintball games and should only be used with caution and respect for safety rules.  So if you’re thinking of trying it out, make sure to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of the game first.

Useful Video: Paintball Bunker Names & Basic Bunker Calls | Lone Wolf Paintball Michigan

Conclusion Paragraph

So, Paintball Bunkers are an integral part of paintball equipment that helps players strategize and create unique playing fields. These bunkers are available in various shapes, sizes, and materials to suit the needs of different paintball games. Apart from providing cover and strategic advantages, Paintball Bunkers also add an element of excitement and challenge to the game. As they can be moved around or rearranged during a game, players must constantly adapt and rethink their strategies, making paintball an ever-evolving and dynamic sport. The most popular paintball bunkers are Dorito, cans, snake, temple as well as inflatable bunkers that offer endless possibilities for creating thrilling paintball fields.

