Are Monsterball Paintballs Good?

Are Monsterball Paintballs Good?

Step into the exhilarating world of paintball enthusiasts, where strategy meets adrenaline, and excitement knows no bounds. Amongst the many paintball brands that exist, one name reigns supreme: Monsterball Paintballs. From the battle-hardened veterans to the curious beginners, people everywhere are buzzing with one question – are Monsterball Paintballs good? This comprehensive guide will unravel the mystery surrounding these iconic spheres of colorful chaos, shedding light on their quality, performance, and reputation. So, grab your gear, holster your doubts, and prepare for an in-depth exploration into the world of Monsterball Paintballs.

What are paintballs?

Paintballs are small spherical capsules that are filled with non-toxic and easily washable paint. They are used in the sport of paintball, a recreational activity which involves players trying to eliminate each other by shooting them with these paint-filled projectiles.

What are paintballs?

History of paintballs

Paintball was invented in the 1970s by three friends who were looking for an alternative to traditional outdoor activities like hiking and camping. The three men, Charles Gaines, Hayes Noel, and Bob Gurnsey were inspired by the game of tag and decided to create a game where players could safely shoot each other without causing harm.

Initially, paintball guns were used to mark trees and livestock for identification purposes. However, they soon became popular as a recreational activity when the three friends hosted the first ever paintball game in 1981. This event marked the beginning of the sport and it has been growing in popularity ever since [1].

How do paintballs work?

Paintballs are typically made from a gelatin shell that is filled with a water-soluble dye and vegetable oil mixture. The shells are meticulously crafted to break upon impact, releasing the vividly colored dye and leaving behind a vibrant mark on the target. When fired from a paintball gun, the compressed air stored within the gun’s chamber swiftly propels the paintball at remarkable speeds towards its intended destination. These paintball guns are ingeniously engineered, operating using either a spring-loaded mechanism or compressed gas, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen, to ensure precise and powerful shots.


What to Look for in Paintballs

When it comes to paintball, the most important element is undoubtedly the paintballs themselves. After all, they are the ammunition that will ultimately determine a player’s success or failure on the field. But with so many options available, how do you know which paintballs to choose? Here are some key factors to consider when selecting your paintballs:


The quality of paintballs can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and type. Cheaper paintballs may be more prone to breaking inside the gun or not flying straight, which can greatly affect your accuracy and overall performance. On the other hand, higher quality paintballs are less likely to break prematurely and will fly more accurately, giving you a better chance at hitting your target.


Shell Thickness

The thickness of the paintball’s shell is a crucial factor that greatly affects its overall performance. When it comes to durability, thicker shells prove to be more resilient, ensuring a decreased likelihood of breaking upon impact. This quality becomes particularly significant in colder weather conditions or when playing on rough terrain where the paintballs face more challenging circumstances.

However, it is important to note that thicker shells may also present a slight drawback. Due to their increased solidity, they might be slightly harder to break upon impact. Therefore, it becomes crucial to carefully select a shell thickness that aligns with your individual playing style and the specific environment in which you will be engaging in paintball battles. By considering these factors, you can optimize your paintball experience and ensure a well-balanced performance on the field.

Fill Type

The fill inside a paintball is what creates the colorful splatter upon impact. It is an integral part of the paintball experience, adding excitement and visual appeal to the game. There are various types of fill available, each with its own unique characteristics and considerations.

Oil-based fills, known for their vibrant and eye-catching colors, create a striking effect when they burst upon impact. However, due to their nature, they can be more challenging to clean off equipment and clothing after a game.

Water-based fills, on the other hand, offer the advantage of being easier to clean. While they may not produce colors as vibrant as oil-based fills, they still provide a visually satisfying splatter effect upon impact.

Gelatin-based fills strike a balance between the two, offering both good color intensity and ease of cleanup. They provide a satisfying burst of color without the same level of cleanup effort as oil-based fills.

Brand Reputation

When it comes to purchasing paintballs, it’s always a wise move to dedicate some time for thorough research on the brand you’re considering. Look for reviews and feedback from fellow players who have already used those specific paintballs, and don’t hesitate to seek recommendations from experienced paintballers. Opting for a reputable brand will not only ensure consistent quality and performance but also provide you with a competitive edge on the field, maximizing your chances of success. So, take that extra step and make an informed decision before your next paintball adventure!


Of course, cost is always a critical factor to consider when making any purchase. When it comes to paintballs, the price range can vary significantly, from very affordable options to those that are quite expensive. It’s important to find a balance between quality and cost that aligns with your budget and preferences. On average, paintballs can cost anywhere from $20 to $80 per 1000 rounds, with higher quality options typically being on the more expensive end of the spectrum. Consider your budget and playing frequency when making your decision.

Considering the longevity and performance of the paintballs is crucial as well. While lower quality paintballs may seem like a more cost-effective choice initially, they could end up costing you more in the long run if they break easily or negatively impact your game. By investing in higher-quality paintballs, you can enhance your overall experience, ensuring better durability, accuracy, and consistency, making it a worthwhile consideration for avid paintball enthusiasts.



While not necessarily a significant factor in performance, the color of your paintballs can still play a role. Opting for brightly colored paintballs can make it easier for you to spot your shots on the field, enabling better tracking of where they land and how many paintballs you have left. Moreover, some players believe that certain colors may affect their opponents’ ability to see and dodge being hit, adding an extra strategic dimension to your color choices. Considering these aspects can contribute to a more immersive and tactical paintball experience.

Storage Conditions

Lastly, when it comes to paintball storage, it’s important to carefully consider the conditions. Paintballs are highly sensitive to temperature and humidity variations. To ensure optimal performance, it is recommended to store them in a cool and dry place, away from extreme heat or cold. This not only helps maintain their quality but also prevents them from becoming brittle or deformed, which can greatly impact their accuracy and consistency on the field. By paying attention to these storage guidelines, you can prolong the lifespan of your paintballs and ensure a more enjoyable paintballing experience.

The 3 Types of Paintballs: Recreational, Tournament, and Reusable

Recreational Grade Paintballs

Recreational grade paintballs are typically used for general fun and recreational purposes such as paintball parties, family outings or casual games among friends. These types of paintballs are less expensive compared to other grades and have a thicker shell that breaks easily upon impact. Recreational grade paintballs also contain less fill (paint) than other grades.

The main advantage of using recreational grade paintballs is its affordability, making it a popular choice for beginner players or those on a budget. Due to their thicker shell, these paintballs are less likely to break in the barrel of the gun and can withstand rough handling during transport. However, since they contain less fill, recreational grade paintballs may not leave as much visible marks on the opponent’s gear.

Tournament Grade Paintballs

Tournament grade paintballs, also known as competition or pro grade paintballs, are designed for high-level competitive play. These paintballs have a thinner shell that breaks easily upon impact, leaving more vivid and visible marks on the opponent’s gear. They also contain more fill than recreational grade paintballs, making them easier to see during gameplay.

Tournament grade paintballs are more expensive than recreational grade ones, but they offer a higher level of accuracy and consistency, making them the preferred choice for professional players. These paintballs are also subject to strict quality control measures to ensure that they meet the standards set by tournament organizations.

Reusable Paintballs

Reusable paintballs, also known as rubber or training balls, are designed for repeated use without needing to be refilled. These paintballs are made from rubber material and can be used with traditional paintball guns. They do not break upon impact like other grades of paintballs, allowing players to gather them up and use them again.

Reusable paintballs are a cost-effective option for those who play frequently as they eliminate the need to constantly purchase new paintballs. However, they are not as accurate or consistent as other grades and may not provide the same level of realism in gameplay. They are also not suitable for use in tournaments or competitive play [2].

Reusable Paintballs

Paintball Calibers

.68 Caliber Paintballs

.68 caliber paintballs are the most commonly used size in paintball games. This is because they have a good balance of weight and size, making them accurate and effective for shooting at targets.

In addition to their versatility, .68 caliber paintballs are also readily available in most paintball stores, making it easy for players to stock up on ammunition before heading out to play. These paintballs typically measure around .68 inches in diameter, which is equivalent to 17.3 millimeters. They are also the standard size used in most paintball markers and guns.

However, not all .68 caliber paintballs are created equal. Different manufacturers may have slight variations in their sizes, resulting in inconsistent performance and accuracy. It’s important for players to choose high-quality paintballs from reputable brands to ensure a better gaming experience.

.50 Caliber Paintballs

On the other end of the spectrum, we have .50 caliber paintballs which are significantly smaller in size compared to .68 caliber ones. These paintballs measure around .5 inches in diameter, which is equivalent to 12.7 millimeters. They were originally designed for younger players or those who may find .68 caliber paintballs too painful to be hit with.

In recent years, however, .50 caliber paintball has gained popularity among experienced players as well due to its lower impact and reduced costs. The smaller size means that these paintballs require less materials to produce, resulting in cheaper prices for players. Additionally, the reduced impact makes for a more beginner-friendly and enjoyable game.

Despite their smaller size, .50 caliber paintballs can still pack a punch and deliver accurate shots. They are also compatible with some .68 caliber guns that have been modified to accommodate the smaller size. This versatility adds another layer of excitement to the game and allows players to experiment with different calibers [3].

Barrel Bore Sizing

Aside from the caliber of the paintball itself, another important aspect to consider is the barrel bore size. The bore refers to the inner diameter of the barrel, and it plays a crucial role in determining the accuracy and consistency of shots.

A properly sized bore will allow for an efficient flow of air behind the paintball, providing stability and control as it travels through the barrel. If the bore is too large, there will be excess air around the paintball causing it to bounce around and lose accuracy. But if the bore is too small, it will cause friction and decrease velocity.

To find the right barrel bore size for your paintballs, you can use a paintball sizer or try out different sizes until you find one that works best for your specific gun and paintballs. It may take some trial and error, but finding the perfect fit will greatly enhance your gameplay and make you a more effective competitor.

Barrel Bore Sizing

Characteristics of Monsterball Paintballs: Pros and Cons

Monsterball Paintballs is a popular brand in the paintball industry, known for producing high-quality and reliable products. In this document, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of their paintballs, focusing on their characteristics.


  • Durability: One of the biggest advantages of Monsterball Paintballs is their durability. They are made with high-quality materials that can withstand rough handling and harsh weather conditions, making them ideal for outdoor paintball games.
  • Consistency: Another key characteristic of Monsterball Paintballs is their consistency in size, shape, and weight. This ensures that each paintball fired from your marker will have the same trajectory and accuracy, giving you an edge over your opponents.
  • Bright fill: The fill used in Monsterball Paintballs is bright and vibrant, making it easier to see when a player has been hit. This not only adds to the overall gameplay experience but also helps with fair play and avoiding disputes.
  • Easy to clean: Due to their high-quality materials and smooth surface, Monsterball Paintballs are easy to clean off of your gear and clothing. This saves time and effort, allowing you to focus on playing rather than cleaning up after a game.


  • Price: One of the main drawbacks of Monsterball Paintballs is their price. They are more expensive compared to other brands in the market, making them less accessible for players on a budget.
  • Fragility: While Monsterball Paintballs are known for their durability, they can still break upon impact if fired at high velocity or from a close range. This can result in a messy and frustrating experience for players.
  • Limited color options: Monsterball Paintballs are only available in a limited selection of colors, namely red, green, yellow, and blue. This may not be as appealing to players who prefer a wider range of color choices.
  • High FPS requirement: Some players have reported that Monsterball Paintballs require a higher FPS (feet per second) setting on their markers in order to break upon impact. This may not be ideal for those who prefer a lower FPS for safety reasons.


What are paintballs made of?

Paintballs are typically made of gelatin capsules filled with a colored, water-based paint. The outer shell is usually made from food-grade gelatin, while the fill can vary depending on the type of paintball being used. Some common materials used for paintball fill include cornstarch, polyethylene glycol, and mineral oil. Additionally, some specialty paintballs may contain non-toxic materials such as vegetable oil or even biodegradable materials.

Are paintballs harmful to the environment?

Paintballs are generally considered safe for the environment. The majority of paintball fill materials are non-toxic and biodegradable, meaning they will break down naturally over time without causing harm to plants or animals. However, it is important to properly dispose of used paintballs and other equipment to prevent littering and potential environmental damage.

Can paintball guns cause injuries?

While playing paintball, it is possible for players to experience minor injuries such as bruises or welts from the impact of the paintballs. However, serious injuries are rare and can usually be avoided by wearing proper protective gear and following safety guidelines. Paintball guns also have strict velocity limits to prevent excessive force that could cause serious harm.

How long does a paintball game usually last?

The length of a paintball game can vary depending on the number of players, the size of the playing field, and the chosen game format. Typically, a standard paintball game can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. Some larger scenarios or tournaments may last multiple days, with breaks in between for rest and re-supplying.

Useful Video: ICD BKO Monster Ball Torture Test

Conclusion Paragraph

So, Monsterball Paintballs are the perfect choice for any paintball enthusiast. Not only do they offer a wide range of products to choose from, but their dedication to quality and innovation sets them apart from other brands in the market. Additionally, Monsterball Paintballs have been tested and approved by professional players, making them a reliable option for competitive play. Their consistent roundness and thick shell also ensure improved accuracy and durability, giving players an edge on the field.

